Holidays 5 march
This Russian holiday was approved in 1946 by the leadership of the Navy and dedicated to the second anniversary of the creation of a network of educational institutions that trained highly qualified personnel for the Soviet navy. After this, every year on March 5, festive events are held in all military camps at schools.
This fun holiday is celebrated annually by office workers and other people around the world. The date of the celebration was not chosen by chance. It takes us back to March 5, 1866, the day when a patent was received for the invention of this unique office device.
Pictures of nature appear on artists' canvases, both through brush strokes and plant leaves. The brewed tea is squeezed out and applied to paper, leaving imprints of bizarre shapes on it. This drawing technique helps in giving the landscape a special color, in creating expressive artistic images and unusual composition.
Modern people are accustomed to thoughtless, irrational energy consumption and rarely think about caring for it. To raise public awareness about the possibilities of conserving the planet's resources, World Energy Efficiency Day is celebrated on March 5th.
Holidays of Azerbaijan - Day of Physical Culture and Sports
Holidays of Kyrgyzstan - Ak kalpak Day (Ak kalpak kunu)
Holidays of Kyrgyzstan - Day of Judicial System Workers
The name of the holiday comes from the church day of honoring the memory of St. Leo of Catania, who served as a Sicilian bishop. And among the people the holiday was called Katysh for the fun of snow skiing. The day was considered the last one when you could go sledding to your heart's content until the next winter, since the snow had already completely melted.
Holidays of Zoroastrianism - Spenta Armaiti Holiday
Orthodox holidays on March 5:
Memorial Day of the Holy Blessed Prince Yaroslav the Wise
Memorial Day of St. Leo of Katansky
Memorial Day of the Venerable Martyr Cornelius of Pskov-Pechersk
Triumph of Orthodoxy

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