Holidays 7 march
As you know, water is a powerful element that constantly claims human lives. Therefore, humanity throughout its history has taken actions to protect people and their property from the ravages of floods or other water-related disasters. The Water Rescue Society or OSVOD is a mass public organization whose members join on a voluntary basis.
Surely every person has skipped school at least once in his life. Some people think that skipping classes for no reason is unacceptable, others calmly skip them once or twice a week and don’t worry. March 7 is the Day of Truancy in Russia. This funny holiday came to us relatively recently, but quickly became a favorite among students and even teachers.
At the beginning of spring, people in many countries around the world celebrate an unusual holiday, paying tribute to a blanket that saves during the winter cold. This bedding gives a feeling of coziness and comfort, ensuring a sound and healthy sleep. On March 7, the funny Day of the Warm Blanket is celebrated, with its embrace protecting you from cold and nightmares.
A tree, if a person who is in complete loss of spirit clings to it, saturates him with energy and inner strength. Vegetarianism with a complete rejection of meat products is no less beneficial for the body. March 7th is Plant Energy Day.
Holidays in Albania - Teacher's Day
The first devices did not have a disk with numbers, and in other respects they were very different from modern devices. Now it is impossible to imagine people’s lives without this unique invention. Therefore, the birthday of the telephone, which is celebrated on March 7, may be a funny, but important holiday.
Holidays of Turkmenistan - Day of Transport and Communications Workers
The holiday is dedicated to the martyrs of Saint Mauritius and his 70 soldiers, whose memory is honored on this date in the Orthodox calendar. In Mauritius, people noticed the return of the first migratory birds. Swallows were especially revered, because they arrived with real spring, for which they were nicknamed the symbol of spring.
Orthodox holidays on March 7:
Finding the relics of martyrs like those in Eugene
Memorial Day of St. Athanasius of Pavlopetria

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