Holidays 24 march
Spleen, blues, despondency, hypochondria, loss of spirit - words that are synonyms for depression. According to experts, more than 350 million people worldwide suffer from the disease. To draw attention to the problems of these people, March 24 is celebrated as International Depression Day.
On this day, colleagues and clients wholeheartedly congratulate specialists who monitor the health and beauty of their nails, decorating them with varnish, rhinestones and designs, giving their hands an aesthetic and well-groomed look. An experienced master practices an individual approach to each client: he selects the type of manicure, shape and design of nails that corresponds to goals and fashion trends.
The choice of date was not accidental, because on March 24, 1882, the outstanding Robert Koch announced the identification of the causative agent of a dangerous pulmonary disease. Absolutely anyone can get sick with the infectious disease tuberculosis, because infection occurs through airborne droplets.
The professional holiday appeared in 2000 after repeated requests from the navigation service. The order was signed by the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force on August 2, and since 2001, Navigator Service Day began to be celebrated officially.
Day of Workers of Consumer Services and Housing and Communal Services in the Republic of Belarus
Purim for Jews
According to a very widespread legend, chicken legs, which were lightly dubbed “Bush legs” during the dashing 90s, became an incredibly popular product in Russia precisely after the collapse of the USSR. The myth says that this part of the chicken carcass was not in demand in the United States, where locals prefer breasts or wings, so they began to be actively exported to other countries. In fact, both Americans and Russians love chicken legs.
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Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem - Palm Sunday among Lutherans
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It is named Efim in honor of St. Euthymius, Archbishop of Novgorod, revered by Orthodox believers on this date. On Efimov's day, lapwings and finches returned from warmer climes, and the cuckoo began its first spring song. In general, Efimov’s day was spent in gardening.
Orthodox holidays on March 24:
Memorial Day of St. Efim II, Archbishop of Novgorod
Memorial Day of Saint Sophronius, Patriarch of Jerusalem
Memorial Day of the Holy Martyr Epimachus of Alexandria

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