Holidays 14 may
Navy day among the Slavs
This area of ​​employment includes a very wide range of professions. What unites people under this name is the form of labor organization. People who call themselves freelancers usually do not work in an office for hire, but organize the work front for themselves, finding orders and customers according to their desires and capabilities.
Bitterness and dry mouth, nervousness, splitting headache, tremors of the limbs, nausea, convulsions... These symptoms are observed in the morning in a person who has had too much alcohol the day before. Feeling unwell after drinking alcohol is colloquially called a hangover.
Proletye is a pagan holiday of the ancient Slavs, which later transformed into a folk Christian festival. Sometimes it was called Farewell to Spring, Sowing, Happy Day. After the adoption of Christianity, Farewell to Spring coincided with the day of remembrance of the prophet Jeremiah, and the holiday sometimes began to be called Eremey Zapashnik or Eremey Sower.
A product called “Petroleum Jelly” was patented by chemist Robert Chesbrough on May 14, 1878. The scientist drew attention to the amazing properties of an ointment consisting of a mixture of mineral oils and paraffin. Vaseline does not oxidize, is not saponified by alkali solutions, does not change under the influence of concentrated acids and does not go bitter in air, therefore it is used for impregnating paper and fabrics in the electrical industry.
Cannes Film Festival
Holidays of Georgia - Tamaroba (Day of Remembrance of Queen Tamara)
The date is named after the prophet Jeremiah, one of the four significant prophets of the Old Testament period. The people called Eremey the Zapashnik, or the Harnesser, the Sower, because the weather was good for plowing the land and sowing grain. They prayed to St. Eremey, asking for help in plowing and for rich harvests.
Holidays in Iceland - President's Day
Israel Independence Day(Yom Ha`atzmaut)
Orthodox holidays on May 14:
Feast of the Icon of the Mother of God of Andronikovskaya
Memorial Day of St. Paphnutius Borovsky
Celebration in honor of the Icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy”
Memorial Day of the Holy Prophet Jeremiah
Feast of the Tsarevokokshay “Myrrh-Bearing” Icon of the Mother of God
Memorial Day of St. Gerasim Boldinsky

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