Holidays 28 may
The starting point for the Border Guard Day holiday was the Decree adopted by the Council of People's Commissars on May 28, 1918. From this day on, the Border Guard of Soviet Russia was established. Border protection is a priority for any state. Border guards are not just a separate branch of the military - they are an elite. Spies are a small part of their job. Smuggling, drug trafficking, terrorism - this is an incomplete list of what border guards have to deal with.
The young holiday has not yet received official recognition, but is already loved by professionals in the powerful and popular SEO industry. A new profession appeared in Russia in the mid-90s and arose from among IT specialists. First, the first search engines appeared: the first system was Yahoo, then the giants Google and Yandex entered the network space.
There are people for whom indifference and indifference to everything that happens around them is the norm of life. Neglect of the interests of other people, emotional coldness and detachment do not exclude the pursuit of one’s own goals. An unusual holiday has been established in honor of the adherents of this life philosophy.
The emergence of such an interesting celebration is associated with a response to the famous Blonde Day. It is known that blondes are more preferable to men than dark-haired beauties. However, this fact can be disputed. Dark hair color gradually became fashionable and conquered the world. In Russia, dark-haired beauties are found almost everywhere.
This unique animal, native to Central and South Asia, is endangered. The predator is a typical inhabitant of mountainous regions. The animal jumps well and swims well, has developed hearing, lives and hunts in packs of 6-12 individuals.
A sauce based on vegetable oil, eggs, vinegar and mustard is one of the most popular products among housewives in many countries around the world. Salads and cold appetizers, hot dishes of meat and fish are prepared with mayonnaise. Homemade sauce, devoid of flavorings, thickeners and other additives, is a source of unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins E and F.
Holidays in Belarus - Border Guard Day
The name of the holiday is taken from the church date of honoring the memory of St. Pachomius the Great. The people called Pakhom Bokogrey or Teply. This was associated with the return of southern winds and the onset of summer heat. On Pakhoma-Bokogrey there was a custom to sow the remaining wheat, believing that it would grow and give a rich harvest.
International holidays - International Day of Action for Women's Health
Holidays of Armenia - First Republic Day
Ethiopian Holidays - Derg Downfall Day
Holidays of Kyrgyzstan - Border Guard Day
Holidays of Azerbaijan - Republic Day (Independence Day)
Orthodox holidays on May 28:
Day of the Holy Blessed Tsarevich Demetrius of Uglich and Moscow
Memorial Day of St. Pachomius the Great
Memorial Day of Saint Isaiah of Rostov

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