Holidays 22 february
The decision to organize events in support of victims of various crimes was first announced in Sweden in the late 80s of the last century. This significant event took place at the international Victim Support Forum in Europe. The participants chose the end of winter, namely February 22, as the corresponding date.
Holidays of Kyrgyzstan - Day of Land Management, Geodesy and Cartography Worker
World Thinking Day has been celebrated by the Girl Scouts since 1926. It was established at the Fourth World Congress of Girl Scouts. The date February 22 was not chosen by chance. It was on this day (with a difference of 32 years) that the founders of the scouting movement, the Baden-Powell couple, were born.
The initiative to create World Awareness Day came from representatives of the Encephalitis Society. In October 2013, it was decided to hold events aimed at familiarizing citizens with the symptoms of the disease, special diagnostics and treatment annually on February 22.
Cats are one of the most revered pets in Japan. Their images and figurines displayed at the entrance to houses symbolize coziness and comfort. Over time, furry animals have so captured the minds of local residents that Japanese culture is unthinkable without their participation.
The date owes its name to Orthodox Christians’ honor of Saint Pankratius of Pechersk, a monk who dedicated his life to prayers to the Lord. The people of Pankratia were engaged in making bast shoes from fibrous fabric of linden or flax. Weather signs for this day: sticking snow on tree branches on Pankratius Day foreshadowed the coming warmth, and if you saw the sun setting in red colors, you expected a snowstorm the next day.
America's first president, George Washington, was born in Virginia on February 22, 1732. Americans call him the father of the nation and recognize him as the most significant figure in the history of the country. People celebrated his birthday during Washington's lifetime, and continued the tradition after his death, but the holiday became official only after 1885.
Orthodox holidays on February 22:
Day of the discovery of the relics of St. Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia (1992)
Memorial Day of St. Innocent, Bishop of Irkutsk
Memorial Day of the Hieromartyr Pankratius, Bishop of Tauromenia
Memorial Day of the Martyr Nikephoros of Antioch

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