Holidays 22 july
Holidays of Russia - Trade Workers' Day congratulations ->
Events held on this date are aimed at drawing attention to the health of one of the most important organs of the human central nervous system. During the day, a person has up to 70 thousand thoughts running through his head. Thinking and other types of mental stress do not tire the brain. It is not the long-term solution of any problem that leads to his overload and fatigue, but an emotional reaction to the problem.
Laziness has long been condemned in all societies; moreover, it is considered one of the sins. But how fair is this? Of course, pathological laziness will not lead to anything good. But workaholism is no less, and perhaps more, harmful than the habit of laziness.
The holiday is celebrated by people who love their body, regardless of size and other parameters. The holiday is not official, so not everyone knows about it, but thanks to it, men and women with corpulent figures can find new friends and take part in original flash mobs.
A sleeping bed made of a piece of fabric or wicker net, suspended from trees at opposite ends, allowed the Indians of South America to avoid the bites of snakes, ants and other insects. The benefits of “suspended beds”, which allow the body to take a physiologically correct position taking into account the lumbar and cervical lordosis of the spine, have been proven by numerous scientific studies.
Lions, living in savannas and semi-deserts, eat almost all the meat of animals caught during hunting. Scraps from the master's table go to hyenas, jackals and other small predators. The king of beasts, by right of the strongest, takes most of the spoils for himself. Representatives of the human community, endowed with power and position, also act contrary to justice and equality of rights.
The warm season is the time for vacations, which are traditionally spent on the sea coast, in the forest or in the mountains. Summer is a magical time of year in many ways. In the middle of the warmest season of the year, which remains in the memory thanks to trips to fishing and the forest to pick mushrooms, swimming in rivers and lakes, there is an unusual holiday.
The holiday encourages everyone to explore the contents of the mezzanine in a closet or pantry, where no one has looked for a long time. Among the things covered with dust, you can find a lot of valuable things, literally and figuratively: old photographs of grandparents, personal letters written several decades ago, crumpled banknotes forgotten in clothing pockets.
More than 650 thousand soldiers took part in the air defense of the capital of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War. Anti-aircraft gunners shot down enemy bombers, and fighter aviation regiments fought back the Messerschmitts in the sky.
Fun Holidays - Approximate Pi Day
Holidays of Azerbaijan - National Press Day
The date got its name from the church day of honoring the memory of two saints - Pankratius of Tauromenia and Cyril of Gortyn. On Pankratiy and Kirill, peasants began collecting cucumbers. Blueberries also ripened by this day. It was collected from the forest and consumed fresh, as it was valued for its abundance of beneficial vitamins and microelements.
Orthodox holidays on July 22:
Day of the Koloch and Cyprus Miracle-Working Icon of the Mother of God

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