Holidays 30 march
In modern Russia, RKOs collect information, conduct reconnaissance and combat operations, taking preventive measures to prevent enemy attacks. On March 30, the Russian Federation celebrates the Day of the Rocket and Space Defense Forces. The date for the celebration was not chosen by chance. It was on March 30, 1967 that the USSR General Staff issued a directive on the formation within the Air Defense Directorate of the Commander of the Anti-Missile and Anti-Space Defense Forces - ABM and PKO.
People find themselves on the street without a means of subsistence or a place to live, not only because of an antisocial lifestyle. People often become homeless due to economic and social difficulties, health problems or problems with relatives. The Day of the Homeless Person calls us to respond to the pain of our neighbor, to show the kindness of the heart and the mercy of the soul.
On March 30, the famous Slavic holiday Ladodenie is celebrated. On this day, it is customary to praise nature, waking up after a long cold winter. In other words, this is a holiday of warmth and the arrival of spring, which our ancestors celebrated in honor of the goddess Lada, the patroness of family and love. Many historians believe that she was one of two birth goddesses.
Fun Holidays - Take a Walk in the Park Day
Funny Holidays - Pencil Day
Funny holidays - Match Shipbuilding Day
US Holidays - National Doctor's Day
The name of the national holiday was borrowed from the church calendar - the day of honoring the memory of St. Alexis, a man of God who lived in the 4th-5th centuries. On Alexei Teply, the remaining snow was melting, from which streams of water were actively flowing into the rivers. Melt water on this day had healing properties. Alexei Teply paid special attention to the birch tree - a symbol of purity and new life.
Earth Hour
Catholic Holy Saturday
Orthodox holidays on March 30:
Memorial Day of St. Alexy, Man of God
Memorial Day of St. Macarius, Abbot of Kalyazinsky, Wonderworker
Parental Saturday of the second week of the Holy Pentecost

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